Friday, February 13, 2009

The Best Way to Get More Energy

Energy. We would all like more of it. Most of us feel we don't have enough of it. In today's society, energy is gold. The more we have, the harder and longer we can work, and the more we can achieve. This way of thinking means that when we are blessed with more energy... we immediately want to use it up! And then we wonder why we always feel low on energy.

The best way to get more energy, is to not burn up the energy we already have.

Resist the temptation to work that extra few hours, to push yourself harder and longer. Go home, relax, and allow the extra energy to accumulate. Living with an energy surplus means that we are more efficient at work, and most importantly makes life more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. How true! Why not take a holiday before you need one, not after you're burnt out.
